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California State Assembly
Committee on Utilities and Commerce
Committee Phone (916) 319-2083,,,,,,,,,,,,,
4/19/11 - Letter to the Utility Commission Committee
California State Assembly
Committee on Utilities and Commerce Committee
You are considering Smart Meters and their future.
Below is an article about the uproar in Maine and proposed legislation there, and an outstanding comment regarding Smart Meters and why they and the much-touted Smart Grid don’t work in reality.
A mistake is a mistake. The ramifications of this program were never sufficiently investigated, and we are dealing with the fall-out from that now.
Introduce this legislation for the residents of California:
Whereas, substantial and serious problems and issues have arisen with the deployment of the Smart Grid/Smart Meter program in the state of California and in other states,
Including billing increases, health problems, environmental impacts, privacy issues, interference, and job loss, brought to our attention by the public,
Whereas, the California Public Utilities Commission has not undertaken thorough, substantive investigations into these issues, dismissing applications filed with them, disregarding the advice of the Division of Ratepayer Advocates, and disregarding the growing opposition and concerns of the public and their elected officials; and
Whereas the actual benefit to the public, and the energy savings from, the Smart Meter/AMI program is questionable, leading the Attorney General of Connecticut to file a brief opposing their proposed AMI program; and
Whereas the continued use and deployment of Smart Meters in California poses a clear and present threat to the well-being of the residents of the state of California, risks including privacy, security, health, accuracy, and consumer fraud; and
Whereas immediate action is needed to address these issues, because inaction will allow these problems to continue and, in all probability, compound, to the serious detriment of our constituents throughout the state,
Whereas the California Constitution, Article 1, Section 1, is very clear about the substantial “inalienable” rights of the residents of this state, including the right to enjoy and defend our life and liberty, protect our property, and pursue and obtain “safety, happiness, and privacy;” and
Whereas the Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act states: "The people of this state do not yield their sovereignty to the agencies which serve them...The people insist on remaining informed so that they may retain control over the instruments they have created." The people of California, not the public agencies they have appointed, have the ultimate authority to decide on their own behalf; and
Whereas, common sense concurs,
We, the legislators of the State of California, do take the following immediate actions:
- An immediate halt to the Smart Meter/Smart Grid program statewide, including a halt to the installation or activation of Smart Meters and infrastructure and including water meters
- Immediate deactivation of existing Smart Meters and infrastructure statewide
- A prohibition on the disposal of analog meters, and a requirement that they be securely stored in California, in the areas from which they were removed.
- Immediate public hearings and investigation into Smart Meter problems, including rf health, safety, and environmental issues
- An investigation into the California Public Utilities Commission and its ties to industry, and recommendations made for reform, including replacement of staff and commissioners, including those with conflicts of interest, and an examination of all records related to consumer complaints and health problems related to Smart Meters, including phone conversations, correspondence, and contacts with customers including site visits.
- An investigation into California utility companies, consultants, and contractors, including subpoena of all records related to consumer complaints and health problems related to Smart Meters, including phone conversations, correspondence, and contacts with customers including site visits.
Your constituent,
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